Spring has Sprung

Definitely starting to see some signs of spring around GalliStead. The fruit trees are blooming, asparagus is popping up, and saw tons of frogs around the pond! Plus just a few birdies I have seen around this week!

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A New Home for the Chicks

Brian helped me build a new brooder for the chicks. We used the guidance provided here. We liked this idea because it was simple and we could easily take it apart for storage once the chicks don’t need it anymore. We needed a bigger area…

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We are chick parents again!

Decided it was time to try our hand at raising baby chicks again. We got Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpington, Black Sex Link, and Barred Rocks this go around. Started with ten but already lost one last night. They are pretty cute!

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And the snow fun continues…

So we are now at 60+ hours without power at our house but VERY thankful to be able to stay at Nana’s house. The power has popped on tonight for about 45 minutes at a time but nothing consistent. Brian, Bryson, and I checked on…

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Snow Part 2

And the great Texas snow event continues. Our house hasn’t had power for almost 48 hours. We fled to stay at my mother in law’s house. She has had power most of the time but we were without water for about 8 hours. More ice/snow…

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Two winter storms in the span of a few days with temps in the single digits is definitely not normal for Texas. But Aiden sure was excited to see the snow. He was about three the last time we had significantly snowfall.

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