Kilauea Lighthouse

Being a self proclaimed bird nerd I was most excited about visiting Kilauea Lighthouse and seeing all the cliff dwelling seabirds. However when we got to Kauai I wasn’t able to get tickets. We stopped one of our first days on the island and I…

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Birds of Kauai

So when I think of tropical locations I picture beautiful toucan type birds everywhere. Uh…not on Kauai. The majority of the birds we saw were species that had been introduced from other places however I did see some beauties that I personally hadn’t seen before.…

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Snow Part 2

And the great Texas snow event continues. Our house hasn’t had power for almost 48 hours. We fled to stay at my mother in law’s house. She has had power most of the time but we were without water for about 8 hours. More ice/snow…

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Towne Lake – 2/7/21

I headed over to Towne Lake last weekend while we had a little sun to see which water birds were hanging around right now.

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Some January Favorites

Just a few of my favorite shots from January! I was super excited to have a few new visitors to our yard. This Great Blue Heron came swooping into our pond as I was relaxing on the patio. We rarely get cranes or egrets so…

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A New World Right in our Backyard

Along with the rest of the world the events of spring 2020 left me with an abundance of time at home that I would not typically have during that time of year. In my school job, spring is my busiest part of the year which…

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Welcome to GalliPics

April 2020 – The obsession began…which led to a passion for taking pictures! Grainy beginning images….. have now progressed into learning how to take much better photos.

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