And the snow fun continues…

So we are now at 60+ hours without power at our house but VERY thankful to be able to stay at Nana’s house. The power has popped on tonight for about 45 minutes at a time but nothing consistent. Brian, Bryson, and I checked on…

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Snow Part 2

And the great Texas snow event continues. Our house hasn’t had power for almost 48 hours. We fled to stay at my mother in law’s house. She has had power most of the time but we were without water for about 8 hours. More ice/snow…

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Two winter storms in the span of a few days with temps in the single digits is definitely not normal for Texas. But Aiden sure was excited to see the snow. He was about three the last time we had significantly snowfall.

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Towne Lake – 2/7/21

I headed over to Towne Lake last weekend while we had a little sun to see which water birds were hanging around right now.

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Those are some impressive flags….

So the local pawn shop in Princeton recently installed these GIANT flag poles with these ENORMOUS flags. They are definitely impressive! Evidently the ball at the top of the flagpole is two feet in diameter. The rumor that you could see them even from McKinney…

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Some January Favorites

Just a few of my favorite shots from January! I was super excited to have a few new visitors to our yard. This Great Blue Heron came swooping into our pond as I was relaxing on the patio. We rarely get cranes or egrets so…

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Squirrels – Love or Hate?

I have a love/hate relationship with the squirrels in our yard. While they always make great subjects of my photos and can be entertaining, they eat MORE than their fair share of the bird seed. Drives me crazy when I look out and see one…

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A New World Right in our Backyard

Along with the rest of the world the events of spring 2020 left me with an abundance of time at home that I would not typically have during that time of year. In my school job, spring is my busiest part of the year which…

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